My favourite guilty pleasure at the moment! Had to share this, not only is he hilarious (and GORGEOUS!!!) it is a great message to get out there. ENJOY!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Reality Bites!
Life really is a bumpy ride sometimes, highs and lows balanced by some in-between normality. I think so many people are looking for answers and inspiration in these turbulent times, me included, and thanks to the internet there is an abundance to choose from offering security, answers to life's big questions, direction, education, like-minded social groups and even romance. But I have learned a few hard lessons lately and it is something that I think warrants a mention.
My best advice, before signing up for free things meant to entice you into the fold and hand over money, would be (DRUM ROLL) do your research. Read the fine print, don't jump headlong into something that you find appealing, GOOGLE! Ask yourself if this is really what you need. Let it marinate for a while. Not everybody out there is pure of heart and full of good intentions. Trust me! I got bitten at a vulnerable time and it took me a while to clean up the mess with some good advice and sincere intentions. Thankfully good things come to good people!
Now as I reflect over this time, I realise that the very things I felt I needed to look for were right here, already in my heart, my gorgeous children, my amazing family, my friends, my trusted mentors. They were there all this time, waiting patiently for my feet to get back on terra firma! Then everything made sense again, maybe we need to veer slightly off track every so often to truly appreciate what we already have.
On the 1st of September the Goddess Circle at Goddess Guidebook begins! Goddess Leonie is such a beautiful soul, her amazing approach to life has given me so much inspiration and guidance. She is open, heartfelt, soulful and genuine. She is also delightfully powerful! Her blog is like a wonderland of goodness, women from every walk of life join circle and it's a beautiful thing. If I could recommend one person who can guide you to delve deep within yourself it is Leonie! I did the Creative Goddess course last year, it was such an amazing journey of self discovery. Then I bought the 2010 Creating My Goddess Year Workbook which I am still working with and it has given me the tools to find my big thing, something that I hope to be launching in the not too distant future. It helped me dream and make those dreams reality. That was a delectable bite!!!
My best advice, before signing up for free things meant to entice you into the fold and hand over money, would be (DRUM ROLL) do your research. Read the fine print, don't jump headlong into something that you find appealing, GOOGLE! Ask yourself if this is really what you need. Let it marinate for a while. Not everybody out there is pure of heart and full of good intentions. Trust me! I got bitten at a vulnerable time and it took me a while to clean up the mess with some good advice and sincere intentions. Thankfully good things come to good people!
Now as I reflect over this time, I realise that the very things I felt I needed to look for were right here, already in my heart, my gorgeous children, my amazing family, my friends, my trusted mentors. They were there all this time, waiting patiently for my feet to get back on terra firma! Then everything made sense again, maybe we need to veer slightly off track every so often to truly appreciate what we already have.
On the 1st of September the Goddess Circle at Goddess Guidebook begins! Goddess Leonie is such a beautiful soul, her amazing approach to life has given me so much inspiration and guidance. She is open, heartfelt, soulful and genuine. She is also delightfully powerful! Her blog is like a wonderland of goodness, women from every walk of life join circle and it's a beautiful thing. If I could recommend one person who can guide you to delve deep within yourself it is Leonie! I did the Creative Goddess course last year, it was such an amazing journey of self discovery. Then I bought the 2010 Creating My Goddess Year Workbook which I am still working with and it has given me the tools to find my big thing, something that I hope to be launching in the not too distant future. It helped me dream and make those dreams reality. That was a delectable bite!!!
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Goddess Guidebook |
Some more good news is that I have passed my first year studying Wicca with Magicka School! Now onto Advanced Wicca and Advanced Tarot while I finish up my years study of Kabbalah, a mixed bag hey!
On top of all of that is my little family, Nate, Abbey and Miss Molly, our very fluffy cat. Abbey is coping amazingly well, she is truly engaging and so intelligent, such a happy and affectionate blue eyed bundle of gorgeousness! Nate has been a tremendous support for her and for me, not many 15 year old boys cook, clean, hug their Mum for no real reason, play with their little sister and still find time for a gorgeous girlfriend, fantastic friends and guitar but my boy is all that and more!
So yes, reality has bitten but it doesn't always hurt!
Brightest of Blessings!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Off With The Faeries!
Finally back to a kind of normal, whatever normal is! I'm sure it's different for everyone!
With all my good intentions to get blogging life took a turn for my little family. My 3 year old daughter Abbey was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on the first of June. It was a complete shock as it was so unlikely that none of us expected it to happen, least of all our Paediatrician, the most amazing specialist I have ever met. Her devotion to her patients is incredible. So despite her age she has coped wonderfully, choosing which finger to prick to test her blood glucose levels and not struggling with each needle in the bottom, children are incredibly resilient and having her big brother with Type 1 also she has easily allowed it to become a natural part of her life. For the first month I went into Nurse Feeney mode then when I visited my doctor it finally was the time to cry, and cry I did. It was such a relief and a much needed release of emotional pain and grief. I packed a pouch of my healing crystals and took my books into hospital too but I didn't read, I was in shock and every time there may have been a spare moment another person from different departments would be in to tick boxes and give you more information.
It has been a huge 12 months, nearly to the day that I discovered I had cervical cancer to Abbey's diagnosis and all in between but it has certainly made me stronger and as I hurtle towards my 40th birthday I shall be revealing a new and very exciting spirited, light filled venture which I am passionate about! A year full of Blue Moons, eclipses, a Grand Cross and energy shifts, a year full of change, a year full of opportunities and a year full of hope!
Brightest Blessings to one and all,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Where Art Thou?
It's been rather quiet on my blog lately, or rather I've been too busy with other things, that's why I'm a fan of Blogging Without Obligation! I have been exploring, creating, collecting, reading, learning, studying and trying to find my direction again. I love a good shake up every so often, but I have so much that is fighting for my attention, Nate and Abbey included, so I usually crash out on the lounge before my 'old' bed time before I get any 'me' time!
I can't believe my little blog has had over 1000 views! Well, I'm hoping to pour some magickal new energy this way and what better way than on a New Moon! I have been getting out in nature, Abbey loves our 'adventures' and it's so revitalising! There is a beautiful area of bushland and creek just a short walk from where I live and one of my things on my never-ending to-do list is getting involved in the preservation group, I'm sure that we all have a local park, a beach, a waterway or just your favourite route that could do with a little attention and think of the gift you'll be giving back to nature, to our earth, to our animal and aquatic friends. Even if it means that you take a bag to pick up some rubbish next time you walk along the beach, bush, forest, creek or street, you will be saving lives and gifting Gaia and all who live on her! It's great to use less water, refuse the plastic bags at the supermarket, use environmentally friendly cleaning products and recycle but there are so many other ways we can be environmentally conscious.
My FAVOURITE jewellery, as you may know, is Peter Stone Jewelry. So much so that I am an avid reader of their blog which is so incredibly inspirational. I am so honoured to have been able to contribute to the blog so you can read my contribution at:
Spring Is Here! Peter Stone Connections
Read Peter's blog posts and then pop onto the jewellery site and take a look at their magnificent pieces, enter the daily free jewellery draw or maybe purchase one of their Half-Off Hookups, the quality is second to none!
Anyway, I have to weave a little motherly magick into my day but I have so much to share, some beautiful photographs, some delightfully delectable 'Magickal Morsels' and the usual shenanigans at Feeney Manor!
Love and Light!
I can't believe my little blog has had over 1000 views! Well, I'm hoping to pour some magickal new energy this way and what better way than on a New Moon! I have been getting out in nature, Abbey loves our 'adventures' and it's so revitalising! There is a beautiful area of bushland and creek just a short walk from where I live and one of my things on my never-ending to-do list is getting involved in the preservation group, I'm sure that we all have a local park, a beach, a waterway or just your favourite route that could do with a little attention and think of the gift you'll be giving back to nature, to our earth, to our animal and aquatic friends. Even if it means that you take a bag to pick up some rubbish next time you walk along the beach, bush, forest, creek or street, you will be saving lives and gifting Gaia and all who live on her! It's great to use less water, refuse the plastic bags at the supermarket, use environmentally friendly cleaning products and recycle but there are so many other ways we can be environmentally conscious.
My FAVOURITE jewellery, as you may know, is Peter Stone Jewelry. So much so that I am an avid reader of their blog which is so incredibly inspirational. I am so honoured to have been able to contribute to the blog so you can read my contribution at:
Spring Is Here! Peter Stone Connections
Read Peter's blog posts and then pop onto the jewellery site and take a look at their magnificent pieces, enter the daily free jewellery draw or maybe purchase one of their Half-Off Hookups, the quality is second to none!
Anyway, I have to weave a little motherly magick into my day but I have so much to share, some beautiful photographs, some delightfully delectable 'Magickal Morsels' and the usual shenanigans at Feeney Manor!
Love and Light!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Peter Stone: silver Celtic jewelry-jewellery, Celtic crosses, Celtic wedding bands & Claddagh jewelry
I absolutely adore Peter Stone Jewelry so when I was asked if they could use my letter I was absolutely thrilled! There is nothing I like more that a company with an environmental conscience and the jewelry speaks for itself! So please check the site out, exquisite!
Peter Stone: silver Celtic jewelry-jewellery, Celtic crosses, Celtic wedding bands & Claddagh jewelry
Love and Light,
Peter Stone: silver Celtic jewelry-jewellery, Celtic crosses, Celtic wedding bands & Claddagh jewelry
Love and Light,
Monday, January 4, 2010
I have been so busy over the last few days! My love of cyber-witchery has served me well in supporting my creative ambitions. I love my iPod Touch, not only does it have my entire music collection on it but it is full of really amazing and very cool apps that I have happened across, from games to Facebook, meditations, eBay, YouTube, self hypnosis, TV guide, books, podcasts, the possibilities are seemingly endless! So I thought I would share a few fantastic apps that I have discovered recently and which are extremely useful.
Gratitude Journal - exactly that! List 5 things each day that you are grateful for. Simple and effective.
Teavana - a cool app that has recipes and instructions for tea brews and music that times how long the tea steeps - how awesome!
Moon Planner for home, work and lifestyle - shows the moon phases, the signs the moon is in and the optimal days for everyday activities, perfect for the pagan in us all!
The Letter App - choose a paper design, a font, your colours and write actual letters to email! Really sweet idea!
Evernote - a brilliant app for anyone and everyone. It's like a business / scrapbook / planner folder. Take pictures, jot notes, voice record, on the go then upload it onto your computer! It's like a cyber-memory!
My Writing Nook - write on the go and upload into a file on your computer, get those brilliant sparks of inspiration down and saved before something distracts you or you lose the thought because you can't find a pen in the abyss that is (my) your bag.
Now 2 that I am really blown away by.
Creative Whack Pack - includes 'Whack of the Day', 'Give me a Whack', 'Creative Workshops'. This is a brilliant application for thinking issues through, realising potential, analysing your creative process, inspiring creative thought and workshops that you write answers to on your iPod and then email to yourself (or in my case to my Evernote Account) with links back to the 'Whack'! Completely incredible! Ties in beautifully with Goddess Leonie's 2010 Creating Your Goddess Year Workbook or the Creative Every Day challenge that you will find in the sidebar.
Square Peas - an interactive challenge application. You get sent a challenge which will encourage you to do things you have never done before, sometimes put you right out of your comfort zone and encourages determined frustration! Hilarious!!! Perfect for someone like me who needs a bit of a challenge, especially on my descent towards my 40th birthday! One example they gave was to get to know a neighbour, one that you had never spoken to, maybe have never seen! I live in a unit block and hardly ever see a neighbour, which is pretty much how it is in this busy city. A really nice idea! Then you go onto the forum and share your experience with people all over the world, talk about a cool idea!
So armed with all of these wonderfully useful tools I feel that I am ready to take on the year. I have been working on my Goddess Workbook, gathering supplies for creating my 'To Do' book and really getting excited about the possibilities that lay at my feet. I'm going to try some digital scrapbooking along the way, my sister is an excellent scrapbooker, her site Inkurable Stampers is her challenge blog for stamping and scrapbooking enthusiasts, she does exquisite art and I love the things that she has made for me, a gorgeous book devoted to my daughter Abbey, a canvas and mixed media collage with photographs of my mother cradling me as a baby and the gorgeous cards we are gifted on special occasions. Really special!
Amongst it all my witchcraft hasn't taken a back seat. I believe creating is magick at work. I am putting the finishing touches on my wand, my besom, my Book Of Shadows and Light, finding supplies and taking photographs of nature. The Blue Moon in the Northern Hemisphere missed us in Australia by about 6 hours, our one is at the end of January so I am really looking forward to some magickal workings. I have found some fantastic purchases on eBay, 2 cauldrons, Celtic Mullingar Pewter Sherry Goblets, silver wine glasses from the 1900's and 2 gorgeous little Wade Irish Porcelain Cauldrons with a matching vase. Tonight I'm off to pick up a treasure chest to put all of my supplies in! So my next post will include more about my finds and photographs to show them off. OK, maybe one sneak peak...
So for now I think I will call tomorrow my 'Switch Off Tuesday' and get busy!
Blessed Be!
Gratitude Journal - exactly that! List 5 things each day that you are grateful for. Simple and effective.
Teavana - a cool app that has recipes and instructions for tea brews and music that times how long the tea steeps - how awesome!
Moon Planner for home, work and lifestyle - shows the moon phases, the signs the moon is in and the optimal days for everyday activities, perfect for the pagan in us all!
The Letter App - choose a paper design, a font, your colours and write actual letters to email! Really sweet idea!
Evernote - a brilliant app for anyone and everyone. It's like a business / scrapbook / planner folder. Take pictures, jot notes, voice record, on the go then upload it onto your computer! It's like a cyber-memory!
My Writing Nook - write on the go and upload into a file on your computer, get those brilliant sparks of inspiration down and saved before something distracts you or you lose the thought because you can't find a pen in the abyss that is (my) your bag.
Now 2 that I am really blown away by.
Creative Whack Pack - includes 'Whack of the Day', 'Give me a Whack', 'Creative Workshops'. This is a brilliant application for thinking issues through, realising potential, analysing your creative process, inspiring creative thought and workshops that you write answers to on your iPod and then email to yourself (or in my case to my Evernote Account) with links back to the 'Whack'! Completely incredible! Ties in beautifully with Goddess Leonie's 2010 Creating Your Goddess Year Workbook or the Creative Every Day challenge that you will find in the sidebar.
Square Peas - an interactive challenge application. You get sent a challenge which will encourage you to do things you have never done before, sometimes put you right out of your comfort zone and encourages determined frustration! Hilarious!!! Perfect for someone like me who needs a bit of a challenge, especially on my descent towards my 40th birthday! One example they gave was to get to know a neighbour, one that you had never spoken to, maybe have never seen! I live in a unit block and hardly ever see a neighbour, which is pretty much how it is in this busy city. A really nice idea! Then you go onto the forum and share your experience with people all over the world, talk about a cool idea!
So armed with all of these wonderfully useful tools I feel that I am ready to take on the year. I have been working on my Goddess Workbook, gathering supplies for creating my 'To Do' book and really getting excited about the possibilities that lay at my feet. I'm going to try some digital scrapbooking along the way, my sister is an excellent scrapbooker, her site Inkurable Stampers is her challenge blog for stamping and scrapbooking enthusiasts, she does exquisite art and I love the things that she has made for me, a gorgeous book devoted to my daughter Abbey, a canvas and mixed media collage with photographs of my mother cradling me as a baby and the gorgeous cards we are gifted on special occasions. Really special!
Amongst it all my witchcraft hasn't taken a back seat. I believe creating is magick at work. I am putting the finishing touches on my wand, my besom, my Book Of Shadows and Light, finding supplies and taking photographs of nature. The Blue Moon in the Northern Hemisphere missed us in Australia by about 6 hours, our one is at the end of January so I am really looking forward to some magickal workings. I have found some fantastic purchases on eBay, 2 cauldrons, Celtic Mullingar Pewter Sherry Goblets, silver wine glasses from the 1900's and 2 gorgeous little Wade Irish Porcelain Cauldrons with a matching vase. Tonight I'm off to pick up a treasure chest to put all of my supplies in! So my next post will include more about my finds and photographs to show them off. OK, maybe one sneak peak...
My Cauldron
So for now I think I will call tomorrow my 'Switch Off Tuesday' and get busy!
Blessed Be!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
WOW! A whole year has passed, so much to reflect upon, so many things to grow, dreams to dream, life to live. 2009 was such a huge year for me and as I was contemplating which direction to take my life in now a beautiful thing happened. Goddess Leonie from Goddess Guidebook has created the most amazing workbook to guide ourselves through 2010.
Full of colourful, thoughtful and gentle guidance, this is a must have for anyone wanting to release and honour the past year, dream, plan and create the new year and celebrate the Goddess within! I will be blogging my progress, taking lots of photographs, releasing the redundant, sharing my successes and enjoying the journey. I really needed something like this and the timing couldn't be more perfect! I am always a work in progress, constantly striving to become more whole, more centred, more grounded. I had my soul, my body and my life shaken on the very foundations I had built due to my cancer scare and realised that what I needed was so much more than what I have been allowing myself but first I had to beat it and heal myself. Starting this blog was the beginning of my new journey. A wonderfully creative outlet that is only in it's infancy but I have many grand plans for where I want to take this. I want to grow this into something really special and to do this I have to plan. So to anyone who feels like I do, for whatever reasons life has gifted you, then join me and Goddesses from around the world and visit Goddess Leonie's site, get yourself the planner and come along for the ride!
I hope 2010 brings all you wish for!
Live large, dream big and love with your whole heart!
Brightest of Blessings!
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