My best advice, before signing up for free things meant to entice you into the fold and hand over money, would be (DRUM ROLL) do your research. Read the fine print, don't jump headlong into something that you find appealing, GOOGLE! Ask yourself if this is really what you need. Let it marinate for a while. Not everybody out there is pure of heart and full of good intentions. Trust me! I got bitten at a vulnerable time and it took me a while to clean up the mess with some good advice and sincere intentions. Thankfully good things come to good people!
Now as I reflect over this time, I realise that the very things I felt I needed to look for were right here, already in my heart, my gorgeous children, my amazing family, my friends, my trusted mentors. They were there all this time, waiting patiently for my feet to get back on terra firma! Then everything made sense again, maybe we need to veer slightly off track every so often to truly appreciate what we already have.
On the 1st of September the Goddess Circle at Goddess Guidebook begins! Goddess Leonie is such a beautiful soul, her amazing approach to life has given me so much inspiration and guidance. She is open, heartfelt, soulful and genuine. She is also delightfully powerful! Her blog is like a wonderland of goodness, women from every walk of life join circle and it's a beautiful thing. If I could recommend one person who can guide you to delve deep within yourself it is Leonie! I did the Creative Goddess course last year, it was such an amazing journey of self discovery. Then I bought the 2010 Creating My Goddess Year Workbook which I am still working with and it has given me the tools to find my big thing, something that I hope to be launching in the not too distant future. It helped me dream and make those dreams reality. That was a delectable bite!!!
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Goddess Guidebook |
Some more good news is that I have passed my first year studying Wicca with Magicka School! Now onto Advanced Wicca and Advanced Tarot while I finish up my years study of Kabbalah, a mixed bag hey!
On top of all of that is my little family, Nate, Abbey and Miss Molly, our very fluffy cat. Abbey is coping amazingly well, she is truly engaging and so intelligent, such a happy and affectionate blue eyed bundle of gorgeousness! Nate has been a tremendous support for her and for me, not many 15 year old boys cook, clean, hug their Mum for no real reason, play with their little sister and still find time for a gorgeous girlfriend, fantastic friends and guitar but my boy is all that and more!
So yes, reality has bitten but it doesn't always hurt!
Brightest of Blessings!